To coincide with this summer’s Cricket World Cup, Street Child United ran the Street Child Cricket World Cup in May. Two teams of young people from India took part, alongside Tanzania, Bangladesh, England, Mauritius, Nepal and the West Indies. Many congratulations go to the winners, South India, who took the cup home from the final at Lord's Cricket Ground, London.
On an official commission to photograph the event was Salaam Baalak Trust's very own Vicky Roy, who has come a long way since running away from his poverty-stricken home in West Bengal at just eleven years old. Arriving into Delhi, Vicky started working as a rag picker at the New Delhi Railway Station, before he was found and rehabilitated by Salaam Baalak Trust. They arranged for him to study photography after which he became a photographers' apprentice. In 2007, he held his first solo exhibition titled, “Street Dream” at India Habitat Centre; supported by the British High Commisson.
Vicky Roy has lived in New York to document the re-building of the World Trade Center, has had solo exhibitions across the world and given a number of TED talks. The first time he came to London, he went almost straight to Buckingham Palace for a Duke of Edinburgh Award lunch…

Images: (L) A game of cricket, India style. (R) Vicky Roy, Photographer.
Following his commission at the Street Child Cricket World Cup, Vicky joined some Friends of Salaam Baalak supporters and the charity Trustees for a talk, Q&A session and to help raise funds for, and spread awareness of FoSBT.

To find out about Salaam Baalak Trust beneficiary, Vicky Roy, and his photography visit his website.

Images: (L) Vicky Roy telling his story. (R) FoSBT Trustees Nick, Nidhi and Steve hosting the Q&A.